Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Nothing But Your Love

I promised to put out sumin more cheerful today, and it comes courtesy of the l8g8 hiphop beatmaker slash mc slash producer, also former member of Slum Villa, Jay Dee aka Jdilla. This song is taken of a mixtape called "Soulful Genius - Library of a Legend". Legendary he is indeed, Jdilla was influencial in some of the gr8test hiphop albums to come out in our times, from ATCQ's 'Beats Rhymes and Life' to Busta's 'The coming' and the gr8 Voodoo album. This song, is a remix of a track done by anotha legend in the making, Toshi Kubota, a soul-music pioneer from Japan; This guy has put out albums in both Japanese and English, he's also dabled in reggae and popish sounds, he's been getting a lota love from guys like ?uestLove and Saadiq (in a musical sense), and Ill sure be checking out for him afta hearing this remix. Anyways enjoy this one for a change, dont be so ante, go out buy flowers and chocolate, remind em that u aint theyr sunshine or ocean ur just they love!

Toshi Kubota - Nothing But Your Love /Jay Dee Remix

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